

A Proven Strategic Process to unlock your Brand from within
Click here to see our 4-week Process

Get the thinking right before the doing

One of the most common marketing mistakes we witness almost daily, is companies who expend valuable marketing dollars on marketing ‘tactics’ before they have a clearly defined and understood marketing strategy.

Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat - quote to show that thinking is key
blueprints with orange pencil showing that Marketing is like architecture - planning is key

Think First. Act Second

Many companies move straight to the ‘doing’ stage, before they have developed the ‘thinking’ stage; the Marketing and Brand Strategy.

We liken that to building a house without having architectural plans to guide you, or similar to hopping on a bus without knowing your destination or worse still, where the bus is going.

Without a thoroughly developed guiding brand and marketing strategy to underpin your marketing tactics, you are marketing by guesswork and without doubt, wasting hard earned and precious money.

The BrandQuest brand and marketing strategy is the foundation on which all marketing tactics should be planned, then consistently implemented and measured against.

Unlocking your brand from within
A proven process for success that has worked for over 200 companies
of all sizes across all categories and regions

The most authentic, enduring and valuable brands come from the founders, management and staff who work within your business.

Driven by the history, culture, experience and knowledge that the organisation possesses, passes on and transfers with every customer contact.

Great Brands are organic, living and thriving forever.

If your brand was brought to life as a person, it would be an amalgam of;

 Why you?
 Who are you?

Transferred as thoughts and behaviour, delivered in words and deeds at every customer touch-point and across all channels to market.

The Mind & Heart of your Brand
Determined by the answers to the two key BrandQuestions:
Your Heart - Who Are You?

The soul, the essence of your organisation

Your Mind - Why You?

Why do your customers buy from you?


Your Brand CanvasTM

If a Brand is defined by its Mind and Heart, then the Brand Canvas™ provides the discipline required to ensure all your marketing and internal initiatives are aligned to your Brand Strategy.

The answers to these two questions provides guidance to undertake the brand audit and brand planning objectively (rather than using subjective personal judgments and opinions).

Your Brand Canvas™ also provides the answers to whether brands should be kept, evolved, or actively created.

Successful Brand Strategy
requires Discipline and Consistency

The key to consistency and discipline is Process.

The BrandQuest brand strategy process is highly inclusive, sequential and iterative and its ‘step-by-step’ progression ensures understanding, compliance and agreement – replacing subjectivity with objectivity across all your marketing activities.

Unlike many others, the BrandQuest brand and marketing strategy process is bereft of ‘wheel spinning’ and delivers actionable outcomes in a fast turnaround period from engagement to implementation in market.

Then and only then does BrandQuest assist its clients to implement into the market in a disciplined manner ensuring that all activities are consistent with the agreed brand strategy.

a chart that shows unique BrandQuest 4-week Brand Strategy Process

The 4-week
BrandQuest Process

Much of the success of the development of a brand and marketing strategy and its implementation into the marketplace relies on a ‘top down’ approach from senior management and where deemed appropriate, Board level.

One company, one vision with one marketing voice.

At BrandQuest, we demand inclusivity and cross-company involvement and contribution to the full day workshop that is the catalyst for the development of the brand and marketing strategy.

At the core of the BrandQuest Marketing Strategy process is an intensive 4-week process.

Trusted by over 200 brands in Australia and around the world.

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About our Impact
Our Promise
We help you with Clarity, Alignment and Direction
1. Clarity

One Voice. One consolidated agreement and understanding of what future success 'looks like'

The outcome leads to the creation of your unique Brand Canvas™ drives consistency for your brand, marketing and culture.

The BrandQuest Process removes subjectivity and second-guessing, leading to consistency, certainty, and confidence in future brand and marketing decision-making.

2. Alignment

Your leadership team are fully aligned to your brand purpose, vision and strategy

The BrandQuest Process aligns your executive team around two fundamental questions, 'What you should say' or the ‘Mind’ and 'How you should say it' or the ‘Heart’ of the brand.

If management and staff are not aligned then it is impossible for your brand/s to be successful.

3. Direction

Strategically driven brand and marketing to remove the guesswork

Your Brand Strategy will provide strategic direction across all your brand and marketing implementation needs and allow your management and staff to become brand advocates. 

No more guesswork. A clear strategic path for your organisation.

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